Monday, March 18, 2013


We had quite the fun little St. Patrick's day yesterday.  I decided to try and be festive and planned a few special treats and activities for our little bunch.

The morning started off with a yummy Lucky Charms, fruit and yogurt parfait! Delicious! At least Jeff and I thought so. J.R. wouldn't have anything to do with any of the ingredients.  I figured he'd love the Lucky Charms because he is in love with cheerios and aren't Lucky Charms just like Cheerios but 100 times better because of the marshmallows and extra sugar?! Well apparently J.R. is still on his healthy food kick because he wouldn't eat a one! And he wouldn't have anything to do with the key lime or orange creamsicle yogurt either.

In the afternoon we had a little treasure hunt!

And the final prize...BUBBLES!! 

J.R. was less than thrilled.

He seemed more intrigued than anything with the floating objects.  It was a little tricky because it was super windy so those bubbles were moving hyper-speed.  The boy had to be quick to try and follow them.

Michael, Spencer & Ashley, and Brandon & Marie came over for treats before J.R. went to bed.  We enjoyed some mint & chocolate fudge oreo bars that were quite scrumptious!  Though they were not much to look at. I always enjoy little get togethers like that and J.R. was certainly quite the entertainer!


  1. DeAnne you are adorable! I didn't do anything like that! I was about to put a red dress shirt on Finley yesterday for Church. Trent saw what I was doing and quickly made me find a green shirt to put on him! Ooops! And one day J.R. will discover the awesome world of sugar and he will love it!

  2. What a great picture story of a fun, fun idea! You are the best parents!! And J.R. is a happy boy! So loved!

  3. What a clever girl you are! Sounds like a such a fun day. And I love that J.R. won't eat treats. Haha.
