Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas in Raleigh!

J.R. was amped this year with all of the gifts.  This was the first year that he had a grasp on the whole Santa bit so it was entertaining for Jeff and I as well. Here's a few pics of the morning festivities.

Classic bow-hat shot (gotta love that pose! haha):

Scoring a goal between his new cones with Jeff's volleyball (gift for Jeff from J.R.):

And now tennis time with the new racket:

His favorite part of the morning:



  1. So I just have to say how much I love seeing your tree with all the presents under it next to the stocking and the fireplace on the TV! So cozy! And I love all the family poses by the tree: J.R., J.R. with Connor, and the boys with you and with Jeff! So great to see Connor in his slippers. So beautiful! And J.R. having so much fun with his gifts and eating! What a smile that boy has! J.R. posing with the bow hat is so funny. And the tennis video is amazing. What a dude! Thank you for sharing. Miss you!

  2. Oh and thank you for the picture with J.R. and his Mr. Potato Head! So thoughtful!!

  3. Looks like such a good time! The tennis video is impressive. Haha, the pose with the bow on his head is great. That boy's got a fun sense of humor! You all look so good. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I cannot believe that tennis video of J.R. That kid's got some serious skills, man!
