Saturday, July 7, 2012

Burrito on the Loose

When we put the boy down on the ground for play time, in order to have any chance of him staying on the blanket for longer than a minute without rolling right off, we put him over on a far side as seen below so that when he rolls over, he'll be in the middle (since he's only rolling one direction as of yet).  

This strategy worked great for a short while. However, with his two newly learned skills of rolling multiple times in a row and grabbing things, this is no longer an option as we learned this afternoon.

We put J.R. down as normal, Jeff went back to the bedroom and I headed to the kitchen to get some lunch ready.  Jeff walked down the hallway not a minute after we had put J.R. on the floor and just started laughing.  I turned around to see this precious sight.  The little guy had apparently grabbed the edge of that blanket and just started rolling away. (Notice the toy elephant wrapped up right along with him).

And then one final roll onto the back.  (Elephant managed to break free.)  What a funny boy!