Friday, November 28, 2014

First Outing

So I made my first solo outing as a mother of two this past Monday.  And it was not completely horrible :)  We headed over to the beautiful Pullen Park.  J.R. was such a trooper.  We brought a dumper and digger for him to play in the sand with and he was just having a blast.  Connor on the other hand, being stuck in his car seat/stroller, was just crying away.  After about 20 minutes of him crying I told J.R. we probably needed to walk around a little bit to help Connor feel better.  J.R. said "Yeah, because that will help him to be so happy!" Sweetheart.  So we walked around the park with J.R. pushing the stroller.  So funny to watch him just pushing that stroller so fast...he was all business!

Of course after a while of pushing, we had to stop for a snack break.

1 comment:

  1. I was just laughing at how he was pushing that stroller! He was so confident with his arms stretched over his head and moving forward at such a pace! Good for you, J.R.!
    And I love the still shot of break time. Good for you, DeAnne. You have ventured out into the world!
