Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Boys

Connor so excited for some rice cereal action:

Peas...not so much!

Basketball dude:

We went to a family fun day at a Karate place last saturday and JR got a little mini lesson in karate kicks and a few hits.  Here is him in action.  He was loving life.


Connor loving him some more food:


  1. This is just what I needed! Great basketball and karate shots J.R. And so fun to see Connor eating! They are the cutest of brothers!!

  2. That one of Jeff and the boys is beautiful! And I love the one of Connor "holding" the football. Also, is J.R. really hanging off the basketball rim or is that some more of Jeff's photoshop magic at work? Oh, my goodness. I love them all. Connor's darling smile while he's doing tummy time, J.R. and Jeff playing basketball...seriously so many great shots! I miss you guys!
